How it Works
The most preferred hair serum in Europe and the Middle East.
Each Almond Hair product is uniquely formulated using safe, natural and proven ingredients for healthy hair maintenance, and benefits can be seen in as little as 90 days. At Almond Hair, we believe in the importance of helping you to achieve your healthiest, strongest, longest hair possible, with our specially formulated hair care serums and cosmetics.
Hair Growth Cycle
Hair is made up of the follicle and the shaft. The follicle is the tunnel that extends down in to the dermis where the hair sits, and the shaft, is the hair you see above the scalp. At the base of the follicle is the papilla, which contains blood vessels that give hair the nourishment it needs to grow. Surrounding the papilla is the bulb, the very bottom part of the hair.
There are three main phases in The Hair Growth Cycle:

Anagen Phase
The first and most important phase for growth. Hair grows from the roots for an average of 2-7 years before follicles become dormant. The longer hair stays in this phase, the longer it will grow. About 80-90% of hair is in the Anagen phase at one time.

Catagen Phase
A transitional phase lasting around 2 weeks, it signals the end of the active growth of a hair. Hair detaches itself from the blood supply and a ‘Club Hair’ is formed.

Telogen Phase
In this phase, resting ‘Club Hairs’ are released and the hair follicle rests for around 3 months. New hair then pushes the club hairs up and out of the follicle. During this phase, shedding up to 100 hairs a day is completely natural. The Anagen phase then begins again.
Almond Hair products, can help to support and maintain healthy hair growth. Every hair is independent and goes through the growth cycle phases at different times. Over time, the length of the Anagen stage decreases. Therefore, the hair may become weaker and thinner after each cycle. That’s why it’s important to make sure consumption of essential vitamins and minerals to maintain the blood deliver healthy.
Hair Loss Factors
Do you feel like your hair is shedding more quickly than it should? When the hair growth cycle is disrupted, hair will usually shed more frequently and wont grow as quickly, it may also appear damaged, thin, brittle and dry.