
Power of Capilia Longa™

Capilia Longa™

Make your Hair Sprout Again


 About the active

Hair growth reactivation by genuine plant growth factors.


CAPILIA LONGA™ is a natural active ingredient that improves density in hair, eyebrows and eyelashes through a biological approach. It produces an epigenetic reset of the hair bulb, re-starting the activity of dermal papilla cells.


Mechanism of action

 Billion-level concentration of exosomes with applications in the increase of hair density and delay of hair loss

 Boosting of hair growth, density, and quality

 Delay of hair loss and reset of hair cycle

 Activation the hair follicle regeneration

 Stimulation of bulb microcirculation and nutrition

The concept

Hair loss is a problem that affects men and women and has diverse origins, but despite the different etiologies, there is a common link between them: dermal papilla cells become latent and all the hair growth processes stop.

Plant tissues and human hair work in a very similar way: they are both rooted, have seasonal behavior, fall in autumn, absorb nutrients from a surrounding micro-environment and have a pool of very active stem cells. Also, plant and animal growth factors have very similar functions and Vytrus efficiently uses plant growth factors for hair growth applications.

The plant

The Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a tropical and subtropical plant characterized by the existence of very ramified, cylindrical and orange rhizomes, modified roots that act as storage and resistance organs. They grow endlessly and have excellent regenerative properties.

Curcuma longa is one of the most studied plants in biomedicine, having a huge potential, with more than 230 different compounds described, more than 400 pre-clinic assays and more than 3.000 publications sowing its multiple properties (anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial, DNA protecting, etc.).

information source : https://www.vytrus.com/natural-active/capilia-longa/



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